Ashley Furniture Twin Size Loft Style Bed and Double Dressers

Ashley Furniture Twin Size Loft Style Bed and Double Dressers

Mattress Sizes and Dimensions Chart

Mattress Size Dimensions in Inches Dimensions in Centimeters
California King 72" X 84" 183 10 213.5cm
King 76" X 80" 193 X 203.5cm
Olympic Queen 66" 10 80" 167 X 203.5cm
Queen sixty" Ten eighty" 152 X 203.5cm
Full XL 54" X 80" 137 X 203.5cm
Full 54" Ten 75" 134.five 10 190.5cm
Twin Forty 38" X 80" 96.five X 203.5cm
Twin 38" Ten 75" 96.five X 188.0cm
Small Unmarried thirty" X 75" 76.2 X 190.5cm
Crib 27.25" X 51" 69.two 10 129.5cm

Apart from the texture and feel, in that location is another very of import facet of your mattress which influences your option—the size. Getting the right size mattress is one of the crucial determinants leading towards the ultimate goal of a good night'due south sleep.

When looking for a new mattress, choosing the correct size from a plethora of options can be difficult, specially when there are sub-categories in certain segments. With very piffling difference in dimensions betwixt certain sizes, getting the right fit for yourself can exist a daunting chore.

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The size of your sleeping room and your budget are key factors in your controlling procedure when looking for the ideal bed size. In this mattress sizes and dimensions guide, we will discuss the different mattress sizes bachelor and the recommended room size for each of them to help you choose the most-fitting mattress size. For most homes though, a Queen size mattress (threescore" x eighty") is the virtually popular selection merely plenty of people opt to get smaller with Total size mattresses (54" x 75") or larger Kings (76" x 80").

Standard Mattress Sizes

Well-nigh mattress brands offer the following half dozen sizes.

California King Size Bed Dimensions

California King Size Mattress Dimensions 72 inches by 84 inches

Minimum recommended room size: 12 feet past 12 feet

The California king size is the ane of the longest bed sizes available (in terms of standard mattress sizes). It is 4 inches longer than the king size simply is also 4 inches narrower. And then technically what yous gain in length, you lot lose in width in a California male monarch bed— but the extra length makes information technology suitable for tall sleepers. California king beds can arrange two sleepers comfortably and sometimes an extra sleeper besides, like parents co-sleeping with their child. This makes it a skilful choice for families.

The California king mattress may also come with the dissever pick. In this style, the California rex mattress is dissever into two equal parts, to provide for partners with dissimilar mattress preferences and piece of work with adaptable beds.

Shop California King

Rex Size Bed Dimensions

King Size Mattress Dimensions

76 inches by 80 inches

Minimum recommended room size: 12 feet by 12 feet

Sleeping on a male monarch size bed is sleeping in luxury. There is enough room for two sleepers to sprawl and sleep in their own space. It provides 4 inches of actress width than the California King, but it'due south iv inches smaller in length. King mattresses are the widest bachelor standard size, making it a good option for families— if parents want to co-sleep with their children, this size tin conform them.

The king size also comes with a split option; this is really 2 Twin XL mattresses placed side-past-side. The split king selection serves couples with different mattress preferences, so in ane bed they can have two different mattresses to suit private needs. This way is also a good fit for adaptable beds with separate-side functionality.

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Queen Size Bed Dimensions

Queen Size Mattress Dimensions

60 inches by 80 inches

Minimum recommended room size: 10 feet past x feet

A queen size mattress is popular for couples who don't require likewise much infinite, or for a single developed preferring actress space to sprawl out while sleeping. The standard queen size is recommended for couples, so it tin be a skillful bed for the master sleeping room or invitee room, comfortably accommodating extra sleepers in the house for a few nights. This is the most mutual standard size mattress which conveniently fits into virtually any room and can suit more ane sleeper.

The queen size mattress also comes in a split queen option. In this mode, the queen size is split into ii equal halves to provide for couples who have different mattress preferences; then while sharing the bed, they tin take a mattress suited to their personal preferences.

Shop Queen

Full Size Bed Dimensions

Full Size Mattress Dimensions

54 inches by 75 inches

Minimum recommended room size: ix anxiety 6 inches past 10 anxiety 6 inches

A total-size mattress is best suited for a single sleeper. For couples, a full size mattress might non be a practiced selection for a comfortable sleep, but for an individual, this provides enough space to slumber comfortably and likewise fits into most rooms without making information technology look crowded. This size tin also serve as a good option for a spare bed.

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Twin XL Size Bed Dimensions

Twin XL Size Mattress Dimensions 38 inches by 80 inches

Minimum recommended room size: 9 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6 inches

This size is 5 inches longer than the standard twin size, making it a preferred selection for taller individuals. The twin Xl size is always a good option to suit extra guests on brusque notice. Since they don't crave much infinite and are less expensive than a queen or a full, it won't be hard to take one every bit a spare.

Shop Twin 40

Twin Size Bed Dimensions

38 inches by 75 inches

Minimum recommended room size: 7 anxiety by 10 anxiety

The smallest of all standard sizes, this is ane of the most common beds bachelor. The twin size mattress is skillful for children and teens alike, accommodating children in their growing stages.

However, a twin or single size mattress may not be a good fit for a full-grown adult. It is a practiced size to fit into smaller rooms, and ideal for bunk beds, likewise.

Please notation: Our Amerisleep twin size mattresses mensurate 38 inches by 74 inches.

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Other Mattress Sizes

These sizes can exist trickier to notice, with many of them requiring you to order a custom mattress from a manufacturer.

Olympic Queen Mattress Dimensions

Olympic Queen Size Mattress Dimensions

66 inches by 80 inches

Minimum recommended room size: x feet by 10 feet

The Olympic queen mattress is half dozen inches wider than the standard queen size and provides enough room for a couple to slumber comfortably, simply is non considered to be a "standard size." Even when found, information technology'south an ordeal to find bedding accessories like sheets to match this size.

The benefit of an Olympic queen size is that it provides a fiddling extra space than the queen size, while not being as big every bit a rex. If your room is non large enough to accommodate a rex, just you demand more space for sleepers, and then this Olympic queen size fits the bill. The Olympic queen size is meant for RVs and camper trailers and are more unremarkably seen inside mobile homes.

Full Forty Size Bed Dimensions

Full XL Size Mattress Dimensions

54 inches by eighty inches

Minimum recommended room size: nine feet 6 inches by x feet 6 inches

The full Forty size has an extra 5 inches in length than a standard full. The extra legroom makes information technology a skillful fit for taller individuals sleeping by themselves. It can besides be a practiced choice for a spare bed in your guest room, although some hosts prefer to offering a standard queen size mattress to accommodate couples.

Small Unmarried Size Bed Dimensions

30 inches by 75 inches

Minimum recommended room size: seven feet by 10 feet

Unmarried mattresses and twin mattresses take the same dimensions, so these terms are often used interchangeably. All the same, the "twin" size is much more than mutual nowadays, so if yous have your eye on a single bed, a twin is merely what you demand.

Crib Size Bed Dimensions


27.25 inches past 51 inches

A crib size mattress is approximately 6 feet by 4 anxiety and only meant to fit inside a crib. The standard crib mattress size is regulated by the federal government for rubber reasons, so it's pretty easy to observe crib size sheets that fit your mattress, as long as the 1 y'all choose is up to the current standards.

A crib size mattress should not be more than 6 inches thick. Ideally a crib size mattress should also offer a business firm feel to support an infant'southward body.

Other Mattress Size Factors that Influence Your Conclusion

Ownership a mattress is a long-term investment in your health, and there are a number of things to recall about during your search for the best mattress. Nigh all mattress types (memory foam, latex, innerspring, and hybrids) are available in all standard sizes, but factors like the size of your bedroom also accept to exist considered while deciding on the size of your mattress.

Who's Using the Mattress

This is one of the most critical factors to exist considered while choosing the perfect mattress size. If yous are an individual sleeper who does not share a bed with anyone, you tin can eliminate male monarch and California king mattresses from your list— queen, full, or full 40 beds would likely be the near plumbing equipment. Nosotros recommend queen and full XL mattresses to those who prefer some space to sprawl, and total and twin Forty options to sleepers who need to save space.

However, if you plan on sharing your mattress with a partner or child, you'll want to choose a queen, male monarch, or California king. If you and your partner like to co-sleep with your children, a king or California king would exist better accommodating.

Size of the Room

Keep in mind that your bedchamber does not comprise just your bed. Y'all need to leave space for move and other comfortable furniture. The bedroom is your relaxing infinite, where you crawl into at the end of the day to rest and rejuvenate yourself. An overcrowded space may cause stress and make sleep more hard. So a huge bed in a tiny room is not an ideal recommendation.

Location of the Sleeping room

Maneuvering a king or California king size mattress may be difficult for some, so when buying a new bed be mindful of the size. If your bedroom is not on the first floor, consider the width of the stairways and how challenging information technology might be to get the mattress from 1 floor to some other. Bed in a box mattresses are a solution to this one time-common problem, but some beds can however exist difficult to maneuver.


Budget is another important criterion because it determines available options. Once you have gone through all the other factors, it is time to stride dorsum and prepare a realistic budget for yourself. Look at materials, mattress brands, and read mattress reviews to determine the all-time selection.

Mattress Sizes FAQs

Is the California king bigger than the king?

They're similar in size, simply the California king is 4 inches longer than the standard king while the king is four inches wider than the California king.

Are there any more than sizes of mattresses?

In that location are some oversized beds like the Alaskan king, Texas rex, and Wyoming male monarch, merely they are way larger than the standard king and California king and are not easily found on the market.

What is the deviation between a twin and a single mattress?

The dimensions; a unmarried mattress is slightly smaller than a twin and all-time suited for toddlers. A twin size mattress will piece of work with a toddler or a child transitioning out of a crib, but it volition likewise grow with them equally they get older. Twin size beds are fifty-fifty suitable for teenagers.

Is a full size mattress big plenty for 2 people?

It depends on the size of the couple and their sleeping preferences. If you need more room to spread out or if you motility around a lot while yous slumber, a full size bed may be too small. If i or both of yous are taller or wider than boilerplate, a full size mattress probably won't offer enough space.

Are full size mattresses the aforementioned as double beds?

Yep, full size and double mattresses are the same. Both mattresses are 54 past 75 inches. The proper name "double" comes from the idea that a full size mattress is twice the size of a twin, but it'south actually 16 inches wider and 1 inch longer.

What size mattress do two side-past-side twin beds brand?

Opposite to popular conventionalities, two twin size mattresses side-past-side do non equal a king. Nonetheless, two twin Forty mattresses are equal to a king size bed. Two twin size mattresses are merely equally wide as a king, but not as long (they are 5 inches shorter).

What'due south the largest mattress size?

The largest mattress size is an Alaskan rex, which is 9 feet by 9 feet. To put that into perspective, a standard king size bed is closer to 6 anxiety by 7 feet.

What'southward the well-nigh popular mattress size?

The about pop mattress size today is the queen. It's large enough for most couples but fits into an boilerplate-sized sleeping room. It's also a prissy choice for single folks who need more surface surface area than a twin size mattress can provide.


Simply as the firmness and type of mattress you cull play a role in your overall comfort, finding the right size mattress is equally important. To optimize your comfort level during your slumber, space is crucial, not just the infinite of the bed, but likewise the aesthetics of infinite in your chamber. You have to walk the residuum between your needs, your room size, and your budget to get the most out of your mattress.

Ashley Furniture Twin Size Loft Style Bed and Double Dressers

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