Airsoft Minigun Vs Balls Houston Jones

Airsoft Minigun Vs Balls Houston Jones

  • SidWilson17

    I like every one savage down like they actually got shot XD

    • dress2impress1000

    • Resilient Fool

    • KoBe GeNe

      KoBe GeneVor yr

      Nah..theyre just avoiding the hit😅

    • Dean mcivor

      Dean mcivorVor year

      They did become shot lol airsoft bb hurt

    • Keksimus Maximus

      Keksimus MaximusVor year +one

      Plot twist, the minigun is loaded with live rounds and the video is edited and so you believe it's airsoft

  • Naruto Uzumaki

    What a wonderful looking customs, I can tell there's love packed into every pellet.

  • Matheus Aguiar

    That guy shot more bbs in forty seconds than me in my unabridged life. ;-;

    • Darth Revan

    • BeardieBoi420 Productions

    • Nathan Kirby

    • Keitra

      KeitraVor iv years +2

      Matheus Aguiar then this guy must accept spent around thousand$ of bb's XD

    • Jerome Tolentino

      Jerome TolentinoVor 4 years +34

      information technology cost $8000 dollars to fire this weapon for 40 seconds

  • zN UNiiX

    Directed by Michael Bay

    • MrGriff305

    • Orbital Jellyfish

    • Bororocks21

    • Ophir Bactrius

      Ophir BactriusVor twelvemonth

      @Trump Steak Judah Friedlander would be concoction.

    • Zak Wu-Tang The GOAT

  • Muhammad Zaqhwan

    looks like the mission in cod that called 'No Russian'

    • Skypher 66

      Skypher 66Vor year +2

      With Airport Security and FSB as enemies

    • alearnedman

      alearnedmanVor 3 years +5

      Except the targets in that mission were civvies.

    • The_anti-rabid-brony

  • FGmods

    Here I was expecting this to be some serious stuff everyone getting way also in to it
    Instead information technology's a lot of people having a giggle. 10/10

  • Benjamin Romberg

    The M-134 was an awesome weapon unloading 4,000 rounds per minute it could cut a human or a adept size tree in half, my favorite weapon in the military machine.

  • Kaiju Park

    this is so heart warming tbh.
    wish war could be more similar this. xD

  • LacourWave

    That'south the truthful spirit of airsoft, fun and fun

  • Robert Budner

    Ale się uśmiałem. Ostatnio tak jak wchodziłem po schodach.

  • Jinx Swifty

    0:45 Fable has it that his body is still laying there till this very day

  • miguel delacruz

    I'one thousand not into airsoft and this was recommended to me. Not gonna prevarication, I liked it.

  • Darun K

    As for those who are unenlightened as to why the Minigun is named the Mini-Gun despite existence and then big of a gun, this is an explanation. In the military, small-arms like the Grand-sixteen, M4, and ARs for instance aren't chosen guns but RIFLES due to the rifling in their barrels. Pistols aren't chosen "guns" in the military either only a "service pistol."
    In the military, "GUNS" refer to the types of arms pieces that uses an explosive accuse to propel a projectile(rockets and missiles not included). Artillery pieces are what yous would phone call large shooting machines that can't be operated by a unmarried person or if so, it wouldn't be practical. For example, cannons, howitzers, anti-aircraft arms, mortar systems, rockets and missile systems are classified equally artillery pieces. Once more, a gun is a sub-category of artillery pieces that uses an explosive charge to fire a projectile. A cannon/howitzer to exist exact.
    That's why cannons firing in succession 21 times to salute the arrival of an important person is chosen a "21 Gun Salute." While rifles firing during a armed forces funeral is never called a gun salute but a "iii volley salute." The minigun is oftentimes mounted on anti-shipping systems and is like a mini-arms piece, hence it's name.
    Nosotros're talking virtually Armed forces Terms here. The point is, in the military, a Rifle is not called a GUN merely a RIFLE because it's a RIFLE. I hope this would end the debate in the comment section.

    • Chadrach William

      Chadrach WilliamVor five Monate +1

      @GarrisonFall it's been 30 years since I looked downward the tube, but I'm pretty sure they were.

    • GarrisonFall

      GarrisonFallVor 5 Monate

      A chip off topic here but; do artillery guns have rifled (?) barrels and then their projectile spins around?

    • Chadrach William

      Chadrach WilliamVor 5 Monate +1

      I is a rifle, one is a gun, 1 is for fighting, the other for fun.
      The unofficial riflemans creed. Cheers FMJ

    • Carnel McCarthy

      Carnel McCarthyVor 5 Monate +2

      This is your rifle
      that is your gun...
      I is for shooting
      the other's for fun...😛

    • TheRealEMURSE

      TheRealEMURSEVor 6 Monate

      Very true! The world needs to know this 1

  • Vincents Gaming

    Honey the tropico music the almost! But also thats badass and love the cracking sportsmanship between the participants

  • Shane Meow

    imagine , accidentally firing an real minigun

  • SlpTaliban

    Glad to see taxpayers money getting spent on valuable resources...... keep upward the good work 😁👍🏾

  • TrickMasterBlock

    ENEMY KILLED 100 450
    MULTI Kill 100

    • Nomanbeast

      NomanbeastVor 5 Monate

      just like that , i know you play battleground

    • Ghost PRO

      Ghost PROVor iii years

      Sever: Alert!!!The Juggernaut has entered the match
      1minute after
      Juggernaut has won the game

    • SoulCharizard

    • Blank Name

      Blank NameVor three years +1

      TrickMasterBlock Killtacular!

    • kingtroll 24

  • eludethis

    I see nil wrong with airsoft. Its condom and fun. Oh and dandy prep for zombies:P

  • Krenec

  • Ray Kehr

    That really made a mini gun for air soft, WOW!

  • Unkle Fritz

    i similar the function where people got shot

    • James Ambrocio

    • Kgypt

      KgyptVor 2 years

      Pretty certain he is joking people.

    • GTR Rohit

      GTR RohitVor 4 years +2

      Mike Mitchell you must be a very innocent child.

    • Striggy Z

      Striggy ZVor 6 years +xviii

      +Mike Mitchell Yous are an idiot who has no idea what sarcasm is. Either that, or y'all're simply like four.

    • Mike Mitchell

  • Steve B

  • RCCLab

    *"Heroes never die" Mercy gets POTG*

  • Youtuber_JohnH

    That shows what information technology can exercise with alive ammo, some bodies might even split

  • Victor 9900

    Beloved this much does information technology cost ?

  • Tardis_98

    Awesome gun... It'southward so pretty...AND Bloody Ballsy!!!

  • LaserGadgets

  • Zachery Gregory

    I idea the championship meant non to spin up minigun instead just shoot.

    • Allison Donatucci


    This video is inspiring me to charge at a mini gun !

  • Soundwave

    Question. Is there a rule against completely authentic loadouts or is it merely peoples preference to mix and match with uniforms and whatnot.

  • Tj Smith

    Looks similar way to much fun!


    That looks like it would injure.. imagine how long it would take to reload that affair...

  • Thatoneguy Mccool

    Skillful affair most clubs and arenas have non only an FPS limit but a rpm limit every bit well

  • Kyle Williams

    I wonder if your unit knows yous have your gear home later drill weekend?

  • Diogenes Yeiw Tewb Reviewer

    Thank You for not calculation blood splats . Nosotros would non have been able to run across the carnage .

  • Appelmelk

    that minigun seems like the best defense weapon always

  • Akash B.M.

    Brothers are having fun,
    Live LONG STAY Potent

  • SinnerBeta

    Tin can y'all bandy out that magazine for some sort of feeding tube so that information technology pulls the bulletin board system from a backpack or some other container ?

  • Commander Knight

    "Whoever wins, gets cookies." Nice 😂😂

  • The Gate Shall Stand

    "They say a man could vicious an ground forces with one swing of his sword, let'south see how many can stand to the roar of my gun!"

  • Neon Lights

    Tin can someone Please edit muzzle flashes and sounds to this? That would be so damn cool looking.

  • ТоляН

    Молодцы,классно прикололись!!! 🤣🤣🤣

  • Chris

    ChrisVor v years +58

    Good graphics, resolution is okay. What is this on though PC or Console?

    • DR2D2

      DR2D2Vor 3 years +3

      It'southward merely on the nes

    • Forsaken_Soul

    • Tb Bants

      Tb BantsVor 5 years +9

      y'all stated "skilful graphics" and followed by asking if it was on a fucking panel? lol :D

    • L.S.W.

      L.S.W.Vor 5 years +5

      It'due south compatible to PC and XBox. Not PS4 though.

  • MySpaceBarBroke Never mind, i fixed it

    Whoever survives.....gets cookies
    Everyone charges

  • Roadroller

    "I am Heavy Weapons Guy, and this... is *my* weapon."

  • session telemetric

    Awesome. Reminds me of the original Predator.

  • Nathaniel Wamsley

    "Information technology costs 12,000 dollars to fire this weapon for 4 seconds"

  • Dick Grayson

    All-time air soft decease act I take seen XD

  • Matt Ayala

    Now Pack-a-Punch it to get the Meat Grinder.

    • Jake Wallace

  • Dalis

    "It price $400000 to fire the weapon for 12 seconds"

  • straightpipeK20

    i detect information technology funny how people get all fix up in tactical gear for airsoft

  • Jeremy Altamia

    "Information technology costs 400,000$ to fire this weapon for 12 seconds."

  • Adrian J

    Well, that's going on my bucket list

  • Dank Memes

    Dude this is like the uber scene from see the medic

    • ceryel/ dyeu2011

    • ceryel/ dyeu2011

  • Spectre -

    This is the mature way of having fun

  • Psykhosaurus

    I feel similar this should be common knowledge

    • Desire Chaos

    • Josh

      JoshVor five years +four

      Desire Chaos or just having fun

    • Desire Chaos

      Desire ChaosVor 5 years +3

      Psykhosaurus I feel similar they were just testing something or but making a short video for something idk I'one thousand non a md

  • Shadow Strider

    Guy with the minigun: Area 51 guards
    People charging him: People planning to storm Expanse 51

  • 44 Hawk

    I recently saw a minigun for sale, and came actually close to buying it. And then I idea, if I buy information technology, I want to shoot it. If I shoot it, I'll have to pay for 6000 rounds a minute. I did not buy it.


    "Accuse me doc!"

  • c431inf 11b

    its funny how serious some people have airsoft, hey thats your matter have fun

  • 510Redneck

    "Whoever survives gets cookies" hahaha

  • J Batten

    I go to this airsoft field. Information technology is awesome but I haven't seen any miniguns notwithstanding. wish I was hither on this day.

    • Fukim Nick Goar

    • daniel Mason

  • Killjoy26

    I love how they all fell lol

  • berner

    It'south a shame they don't make reliable paint bb's.

  • GunSlingerFromWish

    Dude: "Are you lot guys gear up!?"
    Crowd: "Asshole!"

  • CMDR Antezscar

    5 killstreak UAV unlocked!
    10 Killstreak Helicopter Unlocked!
    25 killstreak Tactical Nuke Unlocked!
    Circular WIN!

  • Jon O'neil

    "She fires $200 custom tooled cartridges at 10,000 rounds per infinitesimal!".

  • Onli Mi

    Marine: "Oops I forgot I was supposed to exist using the Airsoft mini gun. Now what jackazxz substituted the real mini gun?!"

  • t m

    t mVor iii years

    The best part is, when Minigun is on screen.

  • Michael K

    "War…. State of war never changes…"

  • AlphaTyrant

    made me think of tf2 heavy. just needs the medic to uber charge him.

  • Veman Jadhav

    Reminded me then much near the Heavy seen in TF2...!

  • 6mindtrix

    That looks fun! I want to do that with that air gun. Where do I become it??

  • boabl1690

    Some of the acting was hilarious go them into a movie now !!!

  • antony rodrigues

    Someone thought he might sneak in a ability nap in the middle of that

  • Kyler Westbury

  • Bushido Brown

    The 1,000 dislikes are paintballers.
    This video is awesome!!!

  • Armed Prophet

    That is and then worth the thousands of dollars it costs.

  • JustAKid Meh

    perfect for the zombie apocalypse

  • Khairul Anuar

    There you have it.. Another COD reference for me hahaha

  • Matt Nobrega

    Fun times in the marine corps. Oooorah!

  • Not a Spy

    It costs 400,000 dollars to fire this weapon for 12 seconds

  • Andrew Walk

    Well, considering my new goal for my life is to buy a new airsoft gun I think that I should become a giraffe.

  • Cold Steel

    At present converted it into a real one 😆

  • deejayimm

    Wait isn't information technology battery powered?
    No accuse=no brrrt
    Your welcome

  • Nari Mendenhall

    "And they all autumn down!" Lol!

  • Sack Reis

    this heals the world. real heroes

  • Branco Silva

    Corta,,, valeu 👏👏👍,só mais uma vez,!!! 👏👏vocês forao ótimos 🎥📷📹📷📹🎥📼👏👏👏👏

  • Dominique Lawson

    I've always dreamed of a mini gun on the back of my C10 lol one twenty-four hours lol

  • Juan Cena

    I like how scronny the guy that'due south supposed to be a badass is

  • George Schaffino

    Practice they accept it in steelshot or .22 pellet? And so you'll hear screams of pain if the steelshot is hitting at about 750-900 f.p.south. Sentinel 'em dance!! Information technology not bullets... but they'll NEVER FORGET! ;)

  • Oiva Nurminen

    Always that one guy like "it didnt hit! it didnt striking!"

  • risantono soesetyo

    HEAVY Car GUN!!
    ...Nope.. U just call information technology, MINIGUN!!

  • Mr. Ishida

    truthful the minigun/gatling gun tin basically mow down your boilerplate airport players

  • Mister Pinto Bean ?

    What Employees on Black Friday want to be similar...

  • Osmosis Jones

    "I'll patch you chum!" -Battlefied V 😂

  • Kaguyaa

    *Dr.! ARE YOUR Sure THIS WILL Work?!*

  • DVIBANG !!

    That's how Americans defeated the mortiferous Banzai Charge of japan

  • HanniGameplays

  • Paduan

    Seriously if you lot come across a mini-gun don't run at it...
    POTG: Triple, quadruple, quintuple, headset, headshot, headshot, killing spree.

Airsoft Minigun Vs Balls Houston Jones

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